Le 09/01/2023 à 13:48, Frederick Zhang a écrit :
> And I just realised:
>> url="https://github.com/wakatime/$pkgname";
>>     source=("git+https://github.com/Tatsh/kate-wakatime";)
> I think it's better to use the same repository for URL and source.
Not necessarily. If the package has an official website, it should be
used in the URL var instead of the repo.
So in this case, the URL should contain the official website URL of the
package [1] and the source array should contain the GitHub repo [2].
>>     conflicts=('kate-wakatime')
> Is there already a package named kate-wakatime somewhere? I searched
> both official repository and AUR but failed to find one.
Even though there's no package named "kate-wakatime" (yet), I think the
"kate-wakatime-git" package could (should?) still conflicts with it, in
case there's one someday.

[1] https://tatsh.github.io/kate-wakatime
[2] https://github.com/Tatsh/kate-wakatime

Antiz (Robin C.)

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