On 13 January 2024 11:28:23 GMT+01:00, Marcell Meszaros 
<marcell.mesza...@runbox.eu> wrote:
>Dear PM's,
>Please kindly look into which PM chose to abuse their power to suspend my 
>account without any reason.
>Please also kindly sanction such unacceptable behavior by said PM.
>Thank you very much.
>Marcell Mészáros (MarsSeed)

I was in the process of closing at least a few hundred more of my pending 
deletion requests that have no urgency or significant impact, to help lessen 
the burden on PM's.

But now I cannot continue that activity.

I hope my unjustly suspended account can be restored soon and the culprit gets 
called out for their overreach.

Marcell Mészáros (MarsSeed)

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