(Prepamble: my account has been reinstated after 8 days, so it was inappropriate of Pellegrino Prevete to revive it for a different purpose.)

> On 28 January 2024 01:50:03 GMT+01:00, Pellegrino Prevete <pellegrinoprev...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Please somebody disable Marcell's account.
He sends dozens and dozens of notifications everyday without reading the work being published overall, I don't know anymore how to tell him.

Hi all,

Please kindly disregard this.

Pellegrino Prevete has two account on AUR, @tallero and @truocolo, with different email addresses. He is known to go into attack mode with comment fights with many AUR users. Meanwhile he keeps pushing dead-on-arrival PKGBUILDs and updates to AUR.

There is no basis whatsoever in what he claims about me. He started to attack me because I have filed some deletion requests months ago for his 2-year-dead packages and now took ownership of one or two of such.

He keeps disregarding the Arch package guidelines, creates more and more -git packages with a non-monotonic pkgver despite I explained the proper format to him multiple times, and also tends to create packages that don't declare all needed dependencies and/or carry an invalid source URL. It is apparent that he tends to not build and test his own packages.

He is also attacking people who file orphan requests for his packages that have been broken for months. If anyone should be sanctioned, it is him.

I don't even think it should be allowed for one individual to have two accounts for the same purpose, namely, to communicate with people. (It seems fair for for me if someone has a personal account as well as a git hook / autoupdate account. But this is not the case with Pellegrino's alteregos.)

Marcell Mészáros (MarsSeed)

The reason for the two identities is different security-level code-signing keys. I am even mirroring the repos on github so he can follow from a browser because apparently he can't look for my commits through the aur, so I don't know what to say. Like he complains about supposed issue with package "X" without looking I am committing, building pushing to "dependency of package X" to build/fix "X". What do I have to do to make him stop complaining, public tickets with time completion?"

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