like you send me out of date for packages about programs I am the author of minutes after I release them and I have proof at times you don't check the release is working yourself before the report
also your deletion request put a lot of stress on people
I mean, when I will have come back to a normality of sorts I will have to re-read all 2023 aur emails just to check you didn't manage to delete significant programs I use in between small libraries without a much discussion, like when you hid Banshee in general is stressing dealing with somebody who prefers to hide what (to him) it doesn't work instead of fixing it directly as a comparison, I immensely prefer having a mips gcc3 broken recipe than not having it at all, because if I don't have it I wont remember or know at all the mips compiler exists and it is broken

just to clarify, I certainly noticed over the last weeks your efforts at reducing the impression the latter is happening and I have greatly appreciated the pace change
yet I think you should chill more, and focus more
on the fact countless hours of your work may be made disappear all of a sudden because an hall monitor may not like you,
on the fact no one from the team wants full encryption by default,
on the fact we are not paid and our work was not even considered work before we started licensing repos some months ago on the fact whatever group you think you may belong, you will eventually be made the minority and be thrown away because the game is rigged and mob rule is the only rule

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