On 13 January 2024 12:52:03 GMT+01:00, Morten Linderud <foxbo...@archlinux.org> 
>You have sent 3 emails to yourself in less than an hour with a quite an
>entiteled and authoritative tone. Stop this please and wait for this to be 
>You've already got plenty of warnings before.

@foxboron, that's actually part of the problem and why I'm feeling upset and 

I have not received any warning whatsoever.

I also got no notification about the suspension, nor about why I was punished 
this way and by whom.

Do you say this is a totally fair and equitable procedure by a PM on the AUR?

Are there no standards whatsoever that apply to AUR PM's actions?

Marcell Meszaros (MarsSeed)

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