It could be inferred that MOSP 6.3 applies only to control connections and not to other connections. There is no explicit requirement for an independent check of the wing and tailplane attachments.

Personally I think that an independent check is a good idea when possible, particulary with complex rigging, but making it a mandatory requirement seems a bit odd. If you can get the wings on my Discus without connecting the controls positively and in the correct sense, you will have pushed somewhat harder than I can :) I have a one-person rigging system, but apparently I can't go flying unless there is another DI rated person handy.

It seems to me that if you want to know who is responsible for your safety, whether in aviation or any other activity, look in a mirror.

"Takeoffs are optional.  Landings are compulsory".



/tra dire e fare c'รจ mezzo il mare/

On 17/05/2011 12:17, Matthew Gage wrote:
Tom, I was trying to find a way to say that simply - you saved me the trouble.

However, looking at the MOSP, I don't see a requirement for a signature for an Independent Inspection

Before each days' operation and after each rigging all sailplanes must receive a Daily Inspection in accordance with the procedures in the GFA Daily Inspector's Handbook. This inspection may only be performed by persons who are authorised as a Daily Inspector for that particular construction category or in the case of powered sailplanes, for that particular type. When the Daily Inspection is completed the Inspector certifies so in the Daily Inspection Record (GFA Form 1) which is in the same booklet as the Maintenance Release.
An independent inspection is required each time a control circuit is reconnected. When performing the independent inspection, the inspector must check that all parts are correctly attached, that all controls have correct safety locking, that the controls move in the correct sense and that there is full and free movement. The minimum qualification for performing Independent Inspections is a Daily Inspector Authorisation.


On 17/05/2011, at 11:59 , tom claffey wrote:

Unfortunately logic does not always win in the law area.
Just ask Boonah club members what it cost the club when the family of a tug pilot sued after the wings came off the tug!
They hadn't even rigged it and the dead pilot had DI'd it!

*From:* Peter F Bradshaw < <>>
*To:* Discussion of issues relating to Soaring in Australia. < <>>
*Sent:* Tuesday, 17 May 2011 11:10 AM
*Subject:* Re: [Aus-soaring] Foka incident

Hi Mike;

On Tue, 17 May 2011, Mike Borgelt wrote:

> At 10:16 PM 16/05/2011, you wrote:
> >Hi Ron;
> >
> >A lawsuit like what? You are responding to a mail that hypothesizes that
> >lawsuits are possible. There is no actual lawsuit.
> Read it again. He didn't say there was, just that there is the
> possibility in similar situations.

Hence my use of the word hypothesizes - a word that gives his argument
more dignity than it deserves.

> I sure wouldn't try your legal defence. "So are you telling the
> Court, Sir, that even though you knew there was no way of positively
> checking, you signed that the aircraft had been rigged correctly?".

The second signer is not signing that the aircraft has been rigged
correctly. The signer is stating that he or she has checked the rigging
in a competent and reasonable manner. This is a different proposition in
law and in fact.

I think the lesson to be learnt from this accident is that, as somebody
else here has noted, that DI tickets should be issued on a per aircraft
type basis. Plainly, in this case, neither the riggers nor the people
who checked the rigging knew how to rig or check this particular
aircraft type.

> It might even be worse than a civil suit which even if you win is
> going to cost thousands to tens of thousands of dollars to defend
> with the loss of time, stress, worry etc. You might run into a
> coroner or Public prosectuor who wants to make a name for him or
> herself and find yourself on a criminal charge.

What is this? Fear Mongering 101? How did we jump from civil lawsuits to
criminal proceedings?

The problem with your argument is that it is one best tailored to the
idea that the best way to live our lives is to enter a windowless room,
close and lock the door, and sit quietly in the dark.

The truth of the matter is that each of us perform actions and take
risks every day in order to live our lives. Any of us may be sued at
any time. How far the plaintiff gets is a function of the merit of their
case. The best defense is to perform in a competent and reasonable

Further the best way to operate our sport is to perform in a competent
and reasonable manner and cross checking is an important part of this

> Mike
> Borgelt Instruments - manufacturers of quality soaring instruments since 1978
> phone Int'l + 61 746 355784
> fax  Int'l + 61 746 358796
> cellphone Int'l + 61 428 355784
> email: <>
> website: <>


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"I love truth, and the way the government still uses it occasionally to
keep us guessing." - Sam Kekovich.
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