Mark Newton wrote:
> It should be made completely clear during customer onboarding that the 
> facility operator can temporarily shut down a power feed at any time. 
> Advance warning should be desirable but optional.

Whilst I have some sympathy for Mark's position given the preceding 
discussion, so that colocation providers reading this list are completely 
clear: the common expectation of your network operator clients is that 
advance notice is required for planned maintenance; notice is not merely 
desirable nor optional.  If you have a different view then this should be 
discussed during contract negotiations, not later during onboarding.

Sending staff and spares to a colo site to investigate a multiple power 
supply failure is not cheap in itself, and has a high opportunity cost in 
that staff member abandoning their planned work for that half a day. 
Without prior notice these costs and possible client disappointments are 
incurred more often than they need be.

Network operators seek to manage the hazards to their network.  One colo 
doing power works is an everyday event. Two colos unknowingly doing power 
works simultaneously is a different level of risk again.  Without prior 
notification an operator cannot know what the level of risk to their 
network is: what is not known cannot be managed.

Regards, glen
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