A NOTE has been added to this issue. 
Reported By:                eblake
Assigned To:                ajosey
Project:                    1003.1(2008)/Issue 7
Issue ID:                   598
Category:                   System Interfaces
Type:                       Omission
Severity:                   Objection
Priority:                   normal
Status:                     Under Review
Name:                       Eric Blake 
Organization:               Red Hat 
User Reference:             ebb.OH 
Section:                    mkdtemp 
Page Number:                1292 
Line Number:                42417 
Interp Status:              --- 
Final Accepted Text:         
Date Submitted:             2012-08-08 13:22 UTC
Last Modified:              2020-09-03 15:22 UTC
Summary:                    OH shading and new interfaces
Relationships       ID      Summary
related to          0000593 posix_typed_mem_open requires the use o...
child of            0000411 adding atomic FD_CLOEXEC support
child of            0000591 No reason for OH margins in the synopse...

 (0004968) geoffclare (manager) - 2020-09-03 15:22
On 2016 edition page 441 line 15099 section <unistd.h>, add:<blockquote>The
<b><unistd.h></b> header shall define the symbolic constants O_CLOEXEC and
O_CLOFORK as described in <b><fcntl.h></b>.</blockquote> 

Issue History 
Date Modified    Username       Field                    Change               
2012-08-08 13:22 eblake         New Issue                                    
2012-08-08 13:22 eblake         Status                   New => Under Review 
2012-08-08 13:22 eblake         Assigned To               => ajosey          
2012-08-08 13:22 eblake         Name                      => Eric Blake      
2012-08-08 13:22 eblake         Organization              => Red Hat         
2012-08-08 13:22 eblake         User Reference            => ebb.OH          
2012-08-08 13:22 eblake         Section                   => mkdtemp         
2012-08-08 13:22 eblake         Page Number               => 1292            
2012-08-08 13:22 eblake         Line Number               => 42417           
2012-08-08 13:22 eblake         Interp Status             => ---             
2012-08-08 13:23 eblake         Relationship added       child of 0000411    
2012-08-08 13:23 eblake         Relationship added       child of 0000591    
2012-08-08 13:23 eblake         Relationship added       related to 0000593  
2012-08-08 13:23 eblake         Description Updated                          
2012-08-08 13:24 eblake         Tag Attached: issue8                         
2019-05-23 16:09 geoffclare     Tag Detached: issue8                         
2020-09-03 15:22 geoffclare     Note Added: 0004968                          

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