Thorsten Glaser wrote, on 23 Nov 2021:
> >This came up during discussions of bug 1063 and the description has
> >been changed to something deliberately vague.  It has also been marked
> >obsolescent.
> I’m normally using the web version for my “what does POSIX say?” lookups
> Is there a similarily accessible way to get the “current” text?

There are two ways to access more up to date versions:

1. Download the PDF of the latest draft of Issue 8, currently draft
2.1 from August 2021.

2. Request access to the troff source in gitlab.  With this access
you can view individual function/utility/header pages as troff
source, although the numbered sections are in one whole chapter to a
file, so it can be harder to find specific sections.  You can also
download the latest PDF builds.  The Issue7TC3 branch has bugs
tagged tc3-2008 applied; the Issue8 branch also has bugs tagged
issue8 applied.  (I usually apply bugs a couple of weeks after they
are resolved, although I'm a bit behind currently as I've been
concentrating on the C17 alignment changes.)

If you want gitlab access, the person to ask is Andrew Josey.

Geoff Clare <>
The Open Group, Apex Plaza, Forbury Road, Reading, RG1 1AX, England

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