The following issue has been SUBMITTED. 
Reported By:                eggert
Assigned To:                
Project:                    Issue 8 drafts
Issue ID:                   1591
Category:                   System Interfaces
Type:                       Error
Severity:                   Objection
Priority:                   normal
Status:                     New
Name:                       Paul Eggert 
Organization:               UCLA 
User Reference:              
Section:                    no section number yet (no draft yet) 
Page Number:                no page number yet (no draft yet) 
Line Number:                no line number yet (no draft yet) 
Final Accepted Text:         
Date Submitted:             2022-06-29 18:39 UTC
Last Modified:              2022-06-29 18:39 UTC
Summary:                    Proposed strlcpy spec has problems
In <>
Florian Weimer brought to my attention Austin Group Issue 986
<>. Although this issue is
labeled as "Editorial" and "Clarification Requested", its resolution took a
proposed approach that went well beyond editorial or clarification. The
proposed approach overlooks some important technical issues that need to be
considered before attempting to impose a standard in the controversial area
of standardizing strlcpy and related functions.

Here are some problems with the proposed approach:

* Although strlcpy may have been a reasonable hack when introduced in the
1990s, technology has passed it by and we now have less-intrusive and
more-reliable approaches such as FORTIFY_SOURCE and AddressSanitizer.

* With commonly-available current technologies, a program that uses strlcpy
is typically *less* secure than one that uses strcpy, because when a
fixed-size buffer would be overrun strlcpy silently corrupts the output
data via truncation, whereas strcpy catches and reports the program error.

* Even though the call strlcpy(DST, SRC, 2 * sizeof DST) is clearly wrong
and dangerous, the proposed spec says the call happens to have well-defined
behavior if strlen(SRC) < sizeof DST, and requires a conforming
implementation to implement it as if via strlen(strcpy(DST, SRC)).
Programmers do not need this requirement, and the unnecessary requirement
stands in the way of checking strlcpy calls for common programming errors
involving miscalculated sizes.

* strlcpy introduces the possibility of denial-of-service attacks. The time
cost of strlcpy(DST, SRC, sizeof DST) is O(strlen(SRC)), which makes it
vulnerable to a denial-of-service attack when the attacker controls SRC and
can specify a long SRC string. In this respect, strlcpy is worse than then
already-standard (strncpy(DST, SRC, sizeof DST - 1), DST[sizeof DST - 1] =
'\0') which despite its other flaws at least has the virtue of costing only
O(sizeof DST), a cost that is under the defender's control and is typically

* There is no demonstrated need for the wcslcpy and wcslcat functions. For
example, there is not a single call to either function in the FreeBSD
source code. Requiring these functions of every implementation would be
makework and a net minus for the community.

* There is no good evidence that modifying code to use strlcpy improves
security more than using already-standardized approaches, even if
technologies like FORTIFY_SOURCE and AddressSanitizer are not available.
Desired Action: 
The simplest way to address these issues is to revert the proposal and not
add strlcpy etc. to the standard.

Failing that, at least the following actions should be taken:

* To address the denial-of-service problem, drop the requirement that
strlcpy must compute the string length of an overlong source. If SRC is too
long, allow strlcpy(DST, SRC, sizeof DST) to return any value greater than
or equal to sizeof DST. This will support the vast majority of uses of
strlcpy, which do not need or use the string length.

* Allow strlcpy(DST, SRC, sizeof DST) to trap if SRC is too long. This will
allow strlcpy implementations to catch and report programming errors that
would otherwise result in silent data corruption via truncation. I just now
surveyed FreeBSD's bin directory sources, and found that most of its uses
of strlcpy fall into this category. (I am not proposing that FreeBSD change
its strlcpy implementation; I'm merely noting that in practice, most
strlcpy uses would benefit from allowing strlcpy implementations to trap.)

* Allow the implementation of strlcpy(DST, SRC, sizeof DST) to modify all
the bytes of DST, rather than only those bytes up through strlen(SRC)+1.
This would help debugging implementations catch programming errors like
strlcpy(DST, SRC, 2 * sizeof DST). For example, assuming DST has a fixed
nonzero size, it should be OK to implement strlcpy(DST, SRC, sizeof DST)
via (DST[sizeof DST - 1] = '\0', strlen(strncpy(DST, SRC, sizeof DST -

* Remove the wcslcpy and wcslcat functions from the proposal. The cost of
standardizing and supporting these unused functions outweighs any benefit.

* Whatever other action is taken, modify the rationale to state clearly the
engineering problems that strlcpy is designed to address, and the pros and
cons of using strlcpy versus using other popular approaches. This is a
problematic area, and readers of the standard cannot be expected to be
familiar with the ins and outs.

None of these suggested actions would invalidate existing strlcpy
implementations, which would not need to be changed.

Issue History 
Date Modified    Username       Field                    Change               
2022-06-29 18:39 eggert         New Issue                                    
2022-06-29 18:39 eggert         Name                      => Paul Eggert     
2022-06-29 18:39 eggert         Organization              => UCLA            
2022-06-29 18:39 eggert         Section                   => no section number
yet (no draft yet)
2022-06-29 18:39 eggert         Page Number               => no page number yet
(no draft yet)
2022-06-29 18:39 eggert         Line Number               => no line number yet
(no draft yet)

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