I recently released my first set of linter checks for POSIX makefiles:


Pre-compiled binaries are available in the latest release page, or you can
compile manually with Rust.

Things like := assignment, late .POSIX declarations, ambiguous include
lines, and assignment to the SHELL macro, now enjoy mechanical detection
suitable for CI/CD pipelines and local development workflows.

I figure if a spec deems something UB, it's worth detecting by machine,
reducing the risk of accidents.

Maybe the GNU or BSD implementations also check for some of these?

There's some gray area in between universal UB and ordinary
implementation-defined behavior. This linter specifically intends to target
strict POSIX makefiles, so when the spec says something is implementation
defined, then the linter treats it essentially as a portability concern. If
you simply adore gmake or bmake or whatever, this tool may not be for you.

The linter is somewhat opinionated. For example, it recommends naming files
like *.include.mk if they don't present the .POSIX: special target.

(I don't think include files are allowed to use this target, right?)

But most of the warnings are chosen with a balance in mind between strict
POSIX portability on the one hand, and flexibility on the other. As much as
I'd like to insist that targets named "uninstall" or "clean..." receive
.IGNORE treatment, for idempotence, there's plenty enough reason to leave
decisions like that up to the attentive makefile author.

The linter's makefile grammar doesn't support multiline instructions in
places other than commands and macro definitions. That's a tricky enough
area of parsing that I would want to dedicate more time and testing some
day. This is my first published AST, so I'm going slowly and methodically,
adding linter support features incrementally.

Of course, vendor-specific files like GNUmakefile / BSDmakefile are skipped
from POSIX linting. And machine-generated makefiles should be skipped, too:
autotools, cmake, gyp, Perl.

Regardless, I thought I would share my progress. I'm still (heh) learning
new things about make as I study the D3 spec in more detail.

Any word on when the spec will crystallize into a fixed year release?
  • automated linter ... Andrew Pennebaker via austin-group-l at The Open Group
    • Re: automate... Oğuz İsmail Uysal via austin-group-l at The Open Group
      • Re: auto... Andrew Pennebaker via austin-group-l at The Open Group

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