Hi Jens,

On Fri, Apr 12, 2013 at 5:00 AM, Jens <linuck...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Really great to hear that avogadro2 is now on the scene and I'm excited to
> see how it develops in the future.
> It's already looking very impressive - I read in some pretty big molecules
> and the performance and responsiveness was incredibly snappy.

Great to hear the positive feedback! Out of curiousity, just how big
were your molecules?

> Where's the place to log bug reports while it's still in the initial testing
> phase? I found one (see below) but it wasn't immediately obvious on the
> openchemistry website where the tracker was.

We have a bug tracker up here:


I'll add a link on the openchemistry wiki and see about adding one to

As for the bug:

> draw C atom, click Extensions -> Open Babel -> Add Hydrogens:
> Command-line output:
> OBProcess::executeObabel: Running
> "/Volumes/Avogadro2-0.5.0-Darwin/Avogadro2.app/Contents/MacOS/obabel" "-icml
> -ocml -h"
> "/Volumes/Avogadro2-0.5.0-Darwin/Avogadro2.app/Contents/MacOS/obabel"
> stderr:
>  "==============================
> *** Open Babel Error  in RegisterOptionParam
>   The number of parameters needed by option "t" in The LPMD file format.
> differs from an earlier registration.
> 0 molecules converted
> "
> Bad CML:  ""

I noticed this odd behavior in obabel and brought it up on
openbabel-devel a little while ago, see
This is a feature, not a bug from their perspective.

We plan to implement our own add-hydrogens routine (and maybe even our
own "remove-hydrogens", if I can figure that out ;-) ). I've filed a
bug for this here:


Thanks for the feedback!


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