> Personally, I'd like to see more interoperability between the
> open-source chemistry apps, including avogadro, openbabel and cclib

Indeed, I think one big push is for Avogadro v2 to use cclib to read QM file 
formats (e.g., MO coefficients, basis set, etc.) rather than implementing them 
all in C++.

As for Open Babel and cclib, I think some of that is simply a matter of not 
repeating the wheel - i.e., leaving QM-specific data in cclib, but certainly a 
lot more is important here.

I think these are good ideas. I’ll go create a wiki page somewhere to start 
storing some of them.


P.S. I don’t think it would be hard for Avogadro as a whole to get approved, 
since we’ve had 3 students working on Avogadro-related code in previous years. 
I do agree that an umbrella organization might be helpful.
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