> It sounds like you think of these things as exclusive, and I don't see
> why they should be.

The current state of the code is 

That is, these things are *separate* from “regular” IO. Reading files and 
finding quantum data are currently in different parts of the code.

Now, one may question whether “regular” and quantum IO *should* be separate. 
But I’m not talking about throwing away existing code - I believe Albert was 
saying that rather than adding X new implementations to 
avogadrolibs/avogadro/quantumio, it would be helpful to have an interface to 
cclib for parsing quantum data.

> is demonstrably much more efficient than going through Open Babel for
> "regular" input for example. We can certainly tweak defaults, so the

I certainly wasn’t talking about changing the current pattern for regular IO, 
although I’d certainly suggest that the interface could merge “import” and 
“open” commands. In the case of CML or other formats that Avogadro directly 
handles, preference can go to the internal implementation, and other formats 
could be handled through Open Babel.

I’d be happy to make that change.

I thought the discussion was about Summer of Code projects, and certainly 
improving quantum IO would be great. (Adding features to read and visualize 
other “cube” formats would be nice too.)


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