Any chance someone could apply this patch to the avogadro v1 master symmetry 
extension /libmsym?

I don’t have a fork and pressed for time.
It won’t build with g++ only with clang (requires VLA).

Might need to "set_target_properties (msym PROPERTIES POSITION_INDEPENDENT_CODE 
"TRUE”)" as well in symmetry/CMakeLists.txt. (not working on the arch linux 
package manager) since libmsym uses the BUILD_SHARED_LIBS flag.

On 21 Aug 2015, at 15:47, Marcus D. Hanwell <> wrote:

> It would be great to consider what primitives might be missing, and
> either add factories that simply create meshes, or boost them to new
> primitive types if that makes more sense. I also need to dig into an
> issue with text rendering on Windows where it appears to be causing
> crashes in the latest release.

Avogadro v1 has a nice transparent partial disc rendering for angles that would 
be nice for cubic groups, a rectangle would probably be better for the other 
ones since they have orientation.

> It would be great to get symmetry elements in Avogadro 2, thanks for
> working on this!

No problem it’s fun. There are some more features coming when I get the time:
Selection of symmetrically equivalent atoms (requires selection of atoms).
Symmetry locking when moving atoms (requires some way to restrict coordinate 
changes in plugins)
Generation of SALCs from basis functions (requires surface rendering)
Determination of irreducible representations and symmetrisation of basis 
functions from other calculations (proper symmetrisation requires code updates 
in libmsym).
Character table gui.

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