First of all, sorry about my lack of knowledge, and thank you, any kind 
of advice will be welcome.
I've just started to learn about PyQt4 and avogadro, few weeks ago.

I am facing some problems that I haven't could solve  by myself.
I am working in the implementation of a python tool to provide different 
plots from avogadro results using PyQt4, giving a graphical interface 
for an user who will be able to choose between different options or 

To do that, I started learning PyQt4 with some easy tutorials. Now I 
would like to run one of them, which I tried independent from avogadro, 
through avogadro. I thought that I could use the Extension option, thus 
I followed the examples from the main website.

I achieved that avogadro recognises my extension script in python and 
also appears as a new option in the main tool bar.

The problems that I am facing are basically two (for now), even one of 
them I think that I fixed in a rude way.

The first problem, even it is not the most important problem (I guess), 
it is related with the imported files to the main script.

I used the QTdesigner to generate "design.ui" file, then I converted it 
into design.py file to import it from my main python script application 
in an easier way. When I tried to do it in the extension it wasn't been 
imported, although I've put the file to be imported in the same folder.

Is there a path problem (when I use "import design"), or is not possible 
to do it within avogadro's python Extension?

The second problem, and the most important, appears after the apparent 
solution of the first problem. To solve the previous problem, I copied 
the design code inside the main extension python file, and then I 
defined the main function used in the example to be called by the 
performinngaction function inside the Extension class, as it is shown in 
the following piece of code:



   def main(self):
     app = QApplication(sys.argv)  # A new instance of QApplication
     form = ExampleApp()  # We set the form to be our ExampleApp (design)
     form.show()  # Show the form
     app.exec_()  # and execute the app

   def performAction(self, action):
     self.emit(SIGNAL("message(const QString&)"), "performing action...")
     # return the undo command (ownership will be handled automatically)
     # return the undo command (ownership will be handled automatically)
     return self.main()


My example  of a GUI application (ExampleApp() from: class 
ExampleApp(QMainWindow, Ui_MainWindow): ) is really simple: a window 
with a list space and two buttons, one of them to close the GUI.

The problem appears when I click the action button in the menu of 
Avogadro, the perfomingaction function is called, but the sys.argv is 
not recognized:

performing action...
Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "/***/****/.avogadro/extensionScripts/main2.py", line 120, in 
     return self.main()
   File "/***/****/.avogadro/extensionScripts/main2.py", line 111, in main
     app = QApplication(sys.argv)  # A new instance of QApplication
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'argv'

Finally, making some tests, when I imported matplotlib, the argv seems 
to be initialized, and when I click the button in the bar tool of the 
avogadro, the avogadro finishes... (and I don't know if it is because 
the program crashed or because the button with the option quit() inside 
the code)

Sorry for the length of the e-mail. And thank you again.

Best regards,

R. Ruperez

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