Szikra Istvan schrieb:
Hi all,

I have this interesting test case for you guys, and girls.

#include <avr/io.h>

unsigned int GetStackPointer()
    volatile unsigned int sp = (SPH << 8) | SPL;

There is "SP" for you.  Ne need to hamper with bytes.

uint16_t GetStackPointer (void)
    return SP;

    return sp;

int main(void)
        PORTA.OUT = GetStackPointer();

After building it with Atmel Studio 6.2 (default project settings,
-mmcu=atxmega128a4u), AVR8/GNU C Compiler/Linker : 4.8.1 the .lss contains
this gem:

unsigned int GetStackPointer()
 21a: cf 93        push r28
 21c: df 93        push r29
 21e: 1f 92        push r1
 220: 1f 92        push r1
 222: cd b7        in r28, 0x3d ; 61
 224: de b7        in r29, 0x3e ; 62
    volatile unsigned int sp = (SPH << 8) | SPL;
 226: 2e b7        in r18, 0x3e ; 62
 228: 8d b7        in r24, 0x3d ; 61
 22a: 90 e0        ldi r25, 0x00 ; 0
 22c: 92 2b        or r25, r18
 22e: 89 83        std Y+1, r24 ; 0x01
 230: 9a 83        std Y+2, r25 ; 0x02
    return sp;
 232: 89 81        ldd r24, Y+1 ; 0x01
 234: 9a 81        ldd r25, Y+2 ; 0x02
 236: 0f 90        pop r0
 238: 0f 90        pop r0
 23a: df 91        pop r29
 23c: cf 91        pop r28
 23e: 08 95        ret

(Atmel Studio 7 (Version: 7.0.1417), gcc version 5.4.0
(AVR_8_bit_GNU_Toolchain_3.6.0_1734) does the same.)
(If anyone interested I can attach the whole compressed project.)

A working test case is always preferred over binary clump :-)

I'm mostly interested in the push r1, pop r0 pairs.
Why? What are they doing? Who puts them there? Can someone "fix" the

You used volatile which forces "sp" into the frame of the function.
As avr-gcc has to set up a frame pointer, this needs to push 2 more
bytes.  Y is frame pointer and callee-saved here, this explains total
of 4 bytes of stack usage (not counting return address).

This seems to be a bug for me.

Not to me.

Can someone "fix" the compiler/binutils?

The only bug is in your code:

o Forcing sp onto stack by volatile.

o Using -O1 does not set -fomit-frame-pointer, hence even
  without the volatile you get a frame pointer.  To get
  rid of it, use code that doesn't trigger a frame and
  compile with optimization higher than -O1 and / or with

o Trying to get free stack by reading SP is a broken design.
  For example, an ISR might consume way more space, which
  will not be detected by your code.  Consider code like
  in "mem-check.c" from here:

AFAIK r1 is the zero reg, and r0 is temp reg, so this should not cause
problems, so it's not a critical bug, only optimization issue.
(Unnecessary __tmp_reg__ =__zero_reg__ )

As already mentioned, the problem is in your code.

And my optimal solution is
    unsigned int GetStackPointer()
        union { unsigned int w; unsigned char b[2];} w;
        w.b[0] = SPL; w.b[1] = SPH;
        21a: 8d b7        in r24, 0x3d ; 61
        21c: 9e b7        in r25, 0x3e ; 62
        return w.w;
    21e: 08 95        ret

No need for type punning unions, just use "SP" as explained above.


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