On 09.11.2017 17:49, Szikra Istvan wrote:
Hi David,

What is exactly wrong with my code?

Thanks by the way for __get_PSP and all your help.

This is what it looks like on my end:
__STATIC_INLINE uint32_t __get_PSP(void)
   register uint32_t __regProcessStackPointer  __ASM("psp");

Assuming that __ASM obfuscation is just __asm, ITWTJBA:
if that works than just by accident.  Local register variables
are just guaranteed to live in the indicated register only when
used as operand to inline asm, and only during respective piece of
inline asm.

So you want to read the documentation again, in particular the
"The only supported use for this feature.." part of


C:\Program Files (x86)\Atmel\Atmel Toolchain\ARM

Which for me looks a lot like my code except for volatile.
Actually I already had inline asm version, but I prefer to use C if I can:
unsigned int GetStackPointer()
//asm volatile ("mov %0, r13" : "=l" (sp));
volatile register unsigned int sp asm("r13");

Notice that GCC's (global or local) register variables cannot be
volatile.  volatile makes only sense for stuff in memory.

return sp;

So why volatile?

volatile is void here (with respect to register).  If it has an
effect, then it is forcing the var into the frame.

Because it generates smaller code:

     while (1)
         unsigned int sp=GetStackPointer();
   400270: 9b01      ldr r3, [sp, #4]
   400272: 446b      add r3, sp
   400274: 9301      str r3, [sp, #4]
   400276: e7fb      b.n 400270 <main+0xc>

Without it:

     register unsigned int sp asm("r13");
     return sp;
   400270: 466a      mov r2, sp
     uint32_t sum=0;
     while (1)
         unsigned int sp=GetStackPointer();
   400272: 9b01      ldr r3, [sp, #4]
   400274: 4413      add r3, r2
   400276: 9301      str r3, [sp, #4]
   400278: e7fb      b.n 400272 <main+0xe>
the code gets bigger.

__builtin_frame_address(0) returns r7 not sp. Which should be te same, but
forces the use of r7:

   400264: b580      push {r7, lr}
   400266: b082      sub sp, #8
   400268: af00      add r7, sp, #0

My version doesn't have this:
   400264: b500      push {lr}
   400266: b083      sub sp, #12

Here's te complete test case with code size statistics, in case someone
want's to try it with different compiler versions...

#include "sam.h"

static inline unsigned int GetStackPointer() {
     volatile register unsigned int sp asm("r13");
     return sp;
static inline unsigned int GetStackPointerAsm() {
     register uint32_t sp;
     asm volatile ("mov %0, r13" : "=l" (sp));
     return sp;
static inline unsigned int GetStackPointerNV() {
     register unsigned int sp asm("r13");
     return sp;

__attribute__( ( always_inline ) ) __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t
     register uint32_t result;
     __ASM volatile ("MRS %0, psp\n"  : "=r" (result) );
static inline uint32_t GetStackPointerAsm3(void)
     uint32_t sp;
     asm volatile("mov %0, r13" : "=r" (sp));
     return sp;

int main(void)

     volatile uint32_t sum=0;
     while (1) {
         ///                                  Program Memory Usage
         sum+=GetStackPointer();          /// 2080 bytes
         //sum+=GetStackPointerAsm();       /// 2084 bytes
         //sum+=GetStackPointerAsm2();      /// 2084 bytes
         //sum+=GetStackPointerAsm3();      /// 2084 bytes
         //sum+=GetStackPointerNV();        /// 2084 bytes
         //sum+=__get_PSP();                /// 2084 bytes
         //sum+=__builtin_frame_address(0); /// 2084 bytes

I agree that the use of volatile is a hack, but that's the best solution I
had found back when I wrote it.

We might consider moving the discussion off the list, since it no longer
AVR related.

Best regards,
Szikra Istvan

[snippet tons of TOFU quotes]

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