At 1245761941 time_t, Uli Schlachter wrote:
> Uhm, how would I do that? I would need to do some evil math with cos and sin 
> for
> this and then loop through the single pixels...

I'm not a geometry expert but if you need to draw a top left corner:
|1 / |
|/ 2 |
(1 is being "transparent", 2 opaque)

So you just have to draw a rectangle of "tranparent" and then draw part
2 (as you do already) in "opaque".
Or do I miss something?

> > Otherwise, the code seems quite clean and clear, I just do not know
> > anything about XShape so I can't really judge.
> > I still wonder what is cliping and bounding... ? :)
> Heh, second try:
> If you just want an arbitrary shaped window, set the bounding shape and be 
> done.
> If you want a shaped window with a border, the clipping shape is the content
> area and the bounding shape the border area and the content area together.
> If this still doesn't make this clear, I'll have to start doing some 
> screenshots
> with examples which I could then add to the wiki as a start of documenting 
> this.

Would be a wonderful idea, but I think I got it, if border is what I
think it is (a X border).

Julien Danjou
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