Hi everybody,

I have a "main" screen, and a smaller "side" screen (actual, physical screens).

Everything's working (thanks xrandr!)

Only problem is, the systray is on the side screen. This is because Awesome thinks my side screen is "screen 1". I'm deducing this because only it has a systray and I have this in rc.lua:

if s == 1 then right_layout:add(wibox.widget.systray()) end

Question: How do I tell Awesome to consider my "main" screen as screen 1? Of course I could just change the code above to s == 2, but if I take off my side screen and there's then only one screen again, I'd have no systray.

Also, the tag being viewed is independent for the two screens. That's more granularity than I'd like. When I switch "contexts" (tags) I'd like both monitors to reflect that. Am I just looking at implementing that in rc.lua?

Thanks for the help and thanks to the devs for such a great WM.

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