Hi Anthony,

Anthony Petrov wrote:
Hi Dmitry,

On 4/5/2012 11:47 AM, Dmitry Cherepanov wrote:
 188             while (index < length) {
 189                 c = text.charAt(index);
 190                 peer.dispatchKeyEvent(KeyEvent.KEY_TYPED,
 191                                       System.currentTimeMillis(),
192 0, KeyEvent.VK_UNDEFINED, c, 193 KeyEvent.KEY_LOCATION_UNKNOWN);
 194                 index++;
 195             }

Are we sure we want to dispatch each character for the handleInputEvent(String) event with its own timestamp? Does a browser combine several unrelated key strokes into a single InputEvent, or are all the characters actually represent one integral input event? Put another way, should user code be able to see that a bunch of TYPED events actually belongs to one native input event?

I'm not sure that I understood your question correctly. When a browser starts a complex text composition, the Plug-in doesn't receive KeyDown/KeyUp events but it receives TextInput event containing the composed string and this TextInput event is sent when the composition is finished. If this doesn't answer your question, could you please give an example?

At line 191 in the above quote you're assigning a new timestamp to every Java TYPED event, while all the characters sent via the TYPED events actually belong to just one browser's InputEvent. I'm wondering whether all these TYPED events should share the same timestamp (e.g. acquired before entering the while loop) or not. Could you investigate/clarify this please?

Both ways seems to be fine to me because the plug-in doesn't receive any TextInput events during 'in-progress' text composition and receives the TextInput event when the text composition is done. If you think that there should be some kind of consistency in it, I guess that its okay to have these TYPED events with the same timestamp but I don't see any reason why it should matter.


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