Hi Anthony.
See my comments inline:

09.06.2012 17:34, Anthony Petrov wrote:
Hi Sergey,

Thanks for clarifications. Please find my comments below.

On 6/5/2012 8:13 PM, Sergey Bylokhov wrote:
3. src/macosx/classes/sun/lwawt/LWWindowPeer.java
 179         updateInsets(platformWindow.getInsets());

The system may report wrong insets before a window is shown on the screen. Perhaps, instead of initializeImpl() we should introduce preInitialize() (== current initializeImpl()), and postInitialize() (to where this, and the subsequent replaceSurfaceData() calls might go.)
Like it was done in XAWT? It is just a nightmare. I assume that

What kind of nightmare do you mean? To me it looks logical to perform some tasks before, and some other tasks after disaplying a component. Hence the need for per- and post- initializers.
Because in general nobody know correct place for initialization. Moreover we can do something after component showing in setVisble(true) only.

updateInsets() should be called by some of the native callbacks, like notifyExpose and reshape?

Nope. It's only called from the initialize() method once since on the Mac insets never change. Therefore, it is critical to call it only after showing the window on the screen.
But what happens when the peer is invisible by default? Probably the better place for updateInsets is setVisible()?

On 6/5/2012 10:17 PM, Sergey Bylokhov wrote:
In this case In current implementation it works wrong too, because it can be called when the window initially invisible.

So far, it works fine. Please run insets-related tests (simply all automatic tests for Window, Frame, and Dialog both open and closed) to makes sure they pass.
See previous comment.

 220     protected void setVisibleImpl(final boolean visible) {
 221         super.setVisibleImpl(visible);

Why do we remove a call to replaceSurfaceData() in the beginning of the method?
Before the fix, setVisible() can be called before surface creation, but after the fix it will be called after.

Could you clarify this further please? What exactly is the reason to move the replaceSurfaceData() call from setVisible() to initializeImpl()?
Just because it is unnecessary in setVisble() because surface already created at the end of LWWindow.initializeImpl(). Why we should try to replace surface each time in setVisible()?

983 ((Graphics2D) g).setBackground(getBackground());

I suggest to add an instanceof check before this call.
I guess that Buffered image cannot return something except Graphics2D

I guess so too. Nevertheless, I still suggest to add such a check.
ok I will add.

227 // invokeLater() can be deleted, but in this case we get a lag between
 228         // windows showing and content painting.

Is the lag so very noticeable? On other platforms we don't actually do this, and I don't recall any issues about such lags.
Yes The difference is noticeable. So I update the comments and leave it as is for now.

Interesting. This needs to be investigated, perhaps under a separate CR.
I will create new CR.

best regards,

best regards,

On 5/31/2012 5:43 PM, Sergey Bylokhov wrote:
Hi Everyone,
Please review the fix.

Notes from the bug and comments:
1. setVisible() should be called at the end of the peers initialization. We can move super.initialize() to the end of the peers initializations. Initialize() was split to initialize() and initializeImpl(). In the initialize() we call initializeImpl and then we call to setVisible(). initializeImpl overridden in subclasses.

2. Invokelater in the initialization/disposing is a tricky.
Left it as is. Probably later it will be changed. Comments was updated.

3. replaceSurfacedata() should be moved outside of LWWindowPeer.setVisible() Done. Also duplicate code was extracted to setVisible() method which call setVisibleImpl().

4. Backbuffer in replaceSurfacedata() should be initialized by clearRect instead of fillrect(composite is important).
Done. related to composite.

5. During lwwindowpeer initialization we call two similar methods nativeSetNSWindowAlpha() and setAlphaValue().
nativeSetNSWindowAlpha() removed from CPlatformWindow.java.

Bug: http://bugs.sun.com/bugdatabase/view_bug.do?bug_id=7142091
Webrev can be found at: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~serb/7142091/webrev.00/

Best regards, Sergey.

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