Hi, Sergey,

this version looks fine.



On 6/21/2012 2:42 PM, Sergey Bylokhov wrote:
new version of the fix:
- invokeLater was removed from setVisible and dispose.
- instanceof Graphics2D was added.

Run some awt related jck and regression tests, no new issues found.

On 18.06.2012 19:13, Artem Ananiev wrote:
Hi, Sergey,

some minor comments (may be unrelated to the fix):

1. LWComponentPeer.setVisible() can be made final. Do expect any
subclass to override it instead of setVisibleImpl()?
It is overriden in CPrinterDialogPeer.

2. invokeLater() in LWWindowPeer.setVisibleImpl(): I realize this is
really painful issue, but I'd vote for removing this workaround. It
would result in faster startup (although, the window will be solid
gray for some time), and make LWAWT code similar to what we have on
other platforms.

Then next step will to minimize the delay between showing the window
and painting its content.

3. LWWindowPeer.replaceSurfaceData(): what are benefits of
setBackground() + clearRect() over setColor() + fillRect()? Although
we always expect the Graphics object to be Graphics2D instance, this
unconditional cast doesn't look great.



On 5/31/2012 5:43 PM, Sergey Bylokhov wrote:
Hi Everyone,
Please review the fix.

Notes from the bug and comments:
1. setVisible() should be called at the end of the peers initialization.
We can move super.initialize() to the end of the peers initializations.
Initialize() was split to initialize() and initializeImpl(). In the
initialize() we call initializeImpl and then we call to setVisible().
initializeImpl overridden in subclasses.

2. Invokelater in the initialization/disposing is a tricky.
Left it as is. Probably later it will be changed. Comments was updated.

3. replaceSurfacedata() should be moved outside of
Done. Also duplicate code was extracted to setVisible() method which
call setVisibleImpl().

4. Backbuffer in replaceSurfacedata() should be initialized by clearRect
instead of fillrect(composite is important).
Done. related to composite.

5. During lwwindowpeer initialization we call two similar methods
nativeSetNSWindowAlpha() and setAlphaValue().
nativeSetNSWindowAlpha() removed from CPlatformWindow.java.

Bug: http://bugs.sun.com/bugdatabase/view_bug.do?bug_id=7142091
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