
On 16.10.16 3:44, Link TheProgrammer wrote:
To the developers of AWT,
There will eventually be an AWTDisplay implementation, but for the
meantime, I would like to know the details regarding how AWT handles
contexts created with java.awt.Window so that I might retrieve the
context for a Window.

What I need specifically is a brief explanation of how AWT initializes
the OpenGL context and the source file that this occurs. If this occurs
outside the main thread of a JAR application, I need to know which one.

This is mostly related to Java2D and you can start from the OGLContext class(which is created in a different implementations of OGLGraphicsConfig = WGLGraphicsConfig/GLXGraphicsConfig/CGLGraphicsConfig) When Java2D uses OpenGL pipeline then the special OGLRenderQueue thread is created. So when you try to draw something to the window or to the VolatileImage the actual commands will be placed to the special buffer. Some time later these commands are executed in the native code(see OGLRenderQueue.c) The list of commands located in sun.java2d.pipe.BufferedOpCodes class. Note that each of them have a different parameters.

Note that by default OGL pipeline is enabled on OSX only.

For interacting with the context that AWT has created, that is already
satisfied, as the capabilities, as far as I can see, are software
abstractions, and LWJGL simply tries to get the version using GL
function calls directly (otherwise they fail). I can implement my own
Graphics2D using LWJGL bindings and the context provided by an AWT
Window object in order to properly create a canvas for AWT,  and will
also be more efficient than SunGraphics2D.

I know I am asking for a lot, and if I must, I will painstakingly look
through the "intermingled" mess that is AWT. I wouldn't be asking if AWT
was more straightforward.


Andrew Porter

Sent from Gmail Mobile

Best regards, Sergey.

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