Hello Gavan,

i don't know if i understand you correctly

I have built the 1.2 version and built the samples a few times now,
when you built axis2, you get an folder parallel to the 'bin' folder
called 'services', each deployed service has its own subfolder.
e.g. there an folder 'math', inside there are two files the math
service libary on windows its an dll and the services.xml, which
describes the operations of the service

When I build the samples I get the client code created but cannot see where 
code is deployed.
what exactly do you mean with 'the samples' ?
in the folder 'samples' also parallel to the 'bin' folder there are the
to subfolders 'client' and 'server'.
when you build the clients you only build the clients,
maybee you have to build the servers ?
if you do so, check you outputfolder, you've declared in you compiler options
(on windows you can you use Filemon to see which files and folders are
read and write)

When I hit the 9090 URL it shows a heading for installed services
and nothing more.
do you see the service you want to test ? i think so

When I run any of the clients they report erros such as math stub
invoke Failed for math, Error creating service client Please check AXIS2c_HOME
the enviroment varibale have to be AXIS2C_HOME,
mine is 'AXIS2C_HOME=X:\ws\axis2_c'
on windows check your enviroment variables by typing 'set' to a console

(which I have tried a few variations on), I get same text for yahoo and google 
from yahoo sample i get the soap resonse and the last line printed is
'Yahoo REST client invoke SUCCESSFUL!'

What exactly should happen when a service is created and deployed,
what is the sequence of actions that I should see. Where should the service end 
1. create a service and compile it successfully
2. for example 'myService' you get an libary file which name is
'myService'.* (on windows .dll, on linux ??? maybe .so i dont know).
3. create a subdirectory in the 'AXIS2C_HOME'\service folder with
the same name, 'myService' (casesensitive)
4. create a 'services.xml' and define the operations you have used
in your service
5. start the simple_server in bin folder and have a look in
your browser if the service with its methods is available

Is there documentation on this, what I have found so far does not clearly 
indicate what should happen.
when creating your own service and not the samples,
i think best way to start is with adb,
at http://ws.apache.org/axis2/c/docs/axis2c_manual.html,
(17.1 Generating Service Skeletons)
for the WSDL2C codegenerator you have to download the
java version of axis2

if you use windows it seems to me, that your AXIS2C_HOME
is not correct, on linux i can't say :-(

mfg derMark


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