Tom Jordahl wrote:
Yes, I know you are talking to me as I stuffed in an API I needed for some work I am doing and I wanted it to be in 1.1. I know this is bad. I also know that this change will not introduce a regression, so I don't feel that bad about it.

Your commit was just a symptom; the problem is that we havent released yet & we are encountering new things to add to the source tree.

I am trying to get Macromedia resources to run the JAX-RPC TCK, which if it passes with the current 1.1 source will allow us to ship. At this point this is the only thing holding up 1.1 as far as I know. The ETA for this work starting is Wednesday, but this is tentative as the testing resource is tied up with a release.

Basically, we are in a pickle because we can't/won't release unless we pass JAX-RPC, but we have no one who can run the test suite and we were unable to get it automated around the 1.0 release. Sam says he is close, but needs help that no one currently active is able to provide.

FYI Russell Butek from IBM ran the tests for the 1.0 release.

I could get access to the TCK suite if I had to, but not in the immediate future. How much effort is it to install & run? I bet the hard part is processing the results.

If all the barrier is the test suite, then we should branch off in CVS, so changes can go into the main tree that wont surface till version 1.2.


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