+1. While dynamic self-configuring phases is a cool and all-powerful, it seems overkill for most of what we need. What we need is to make sure that Axis2 can do security out of the box- that's absolutely critical. CXF for example bundles security and RM with the core platform - if we make this thing so painful to make security to work people will simply walk. Let's not get carried away with abstraction and lose touch with reality.

Making dynamic phases work just for the axis2 base platform only is silly IMO. If outside users are asking for it let's do it- but we first have other high(er) priority items to finish IMO.


Deepal Jayasinghe wrote:
I disagree. It complicates the chain and our configuration files for
no benefit to a large number of users.
I do not agree with you in this , because just we have configurations in
axis2.xml people will not get confused and did not make the system
If they do not want they can remove that.
The lack of dynamic phases also requires people to repetitively edit
axis2.xml files when adding something we haven't yet added a phase
I agree that , but deploying module is not that frequent thing like
deploying services. So this is just one time cost.
it's really naff from a user perspective, especially given all
the huffing and puffing in articles about how great our module
architecture is.
Yes I agree with you in this , but there should be a limitation of the
flexibility we should give.
Can I ask if there's something specific you're worried about wrt
dynamic phases, or if it's just something you don't see a need for?
I dont see need for it , I know it is very cool and I really like to
have. However at the this point Axis2 is kind of stable and people are
using that for production so we should not break the backward
compatibility. Second as I said earlier mail as well none of the user
asked for this.

We have lot more to fix and improve in Axis2 (I mean high priority items
that users have requested) , so we need to focus on that. My general
rule is , if something working fine and no body complain about that ,
then we do not need to change that.  :)


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Sanjiva Weerawarana, Ph.D.
Founder & Director; Lanka Software Foundation; http://www.opensource.lk/
Founder, Chairman & CEO; WSO2, Inc.; http://www.wso2.com/
Member; Apache Software Foundation; http://www.apache.org/
Visiting Lecturer; University of Moratuwa; http://www.cse.mrt.ac.lk/

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