I'm not sure if I qualify as a "die hard" fan of Axis, but I've chosen it
over XFire because I like the pluggable architecture and some of the other
features, such as more transport options (TCP).

I am doing a top-down web service using XML Schema and WSDL as the starting
point. The xsd is moderately complicated, with three separate files defined
in the same namespace. The story goes somewhat like this:

1) Downloaded Axis 2.0 release distribution. Chose Xmlbeans as the
databinding option because of its excellent support for even complex XML
Schema (ADB couldn't handle my XSD). Ran WSDL2Java Ant task to generate code.
Generated code did not compile (the *MessageReceiverInOut.java generated
class had errors in the fromOM() and toOM()), so...

2) Downloaded Nightly build (at that time 2006-09-02), which got rid of the
problem. But the WSDL2Java ant task was not generating all of the XmlBeans
source files (only 1 of the xsd had classes generated for it). Also, the
<codegen> 'namespaceToPackages' attribute was being ignored. OK, added a
.xsdconfig file in the same directory as the xsd and ran separate Ant task to
generate the Xmlbeans classes. No problem.

3) Deployed the .aar file using the generated build.xml. Ran into an issue
because the code generator is copying my schema files as xsd0.xsd, xsx1.xsd,
etc. to the /resources folder and my <import> tag in my WSDL file (under
<types> section) was still referencing the file by name. OK, so I copied the
original WSDL's to the /resources folder and regenerated the .aar and
deployed it.

It runs now, but I still have to do the same for the JMS version of the web

My impressions are that 1.0 is still a little rough around the edges. Nothing
impossible to overcome, but if you expect everything "out-of-the-box", you
may want to wait until 1.1.


-----Original Message-----
From: Paul Vial [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Sunday, September 03, 2006 9:33 PM
To: axis-user@ws.apache.org
Subject: axis versus axis2

just starting to play around with web services (and AXIS).

Installed AXIS and ran some of the demos without any problems but have since
discovered AXIS2 (yet to install).

Should I jump to AXIS2 or are there "die hard" AXIS fans that would like to
share their recomendations.


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