Schie, Sjaak van wrote:

>You are revering to element name in the part like:
>  <message name="InAllConfigurations">
>    <part name="parameters" element="s0:RequestAllConfigurations" />
>  </message>
>  <message name="OutAllConfigurations">
>    <part name="parameters" element="s0:AllConfigurationsResponse" />
>  </message>
>This is all correct WSDL, but I have bad experience with this (both .Net &
Really? But I have copied this from how .NET generates WSDL.

>When I changed element=xxx to type=xxx, it all works (both toolkits).
Can you please show me what your type definition looks like.
It cannot be the same as when element=xxx is used.

/ Daniel

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