And just to clarify...

The difference between doc/literal and wrapped/literal is in the way
you invoke the service -- the contents on the wire (the structure of
the SOAP message) will be identical.

In doc/literal, you input an object (javabean), and you return an
object (javabean). In wrapped/literal, you input parameters, and you
return an object. Wrapped/literal is a programming convention that
make doc/literal look like rpc/literal.

Don't use rpc/literal because .NET doesn't support it.


On Tue, 15 Feb 2005 16:55:36 +0000, Tom Oinn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Dan,
> My suggestion would be to use document / literal style. The data
> structure you describe is easy to define as an XML schema (by hand if
> you must, but I'd use something like XMLSpy). You can then create the
> requisite WSDL file referencing this schema, generate the server side
> Java classes against this and modify them to call the appropriate
> methods on your existing EJB.
> If you're using doc/literal style you'll also have to build a (very
> simple) XSD type for your three inputs, in this case a simple sequence
> with minoccurs and maxoccurs attributes set to 1.
> I would definitely start with WSDL in any case, given that the WSDL
> defines whether your service is WS-I compliant.
> HTH,
> Tom

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