Hi guys,

I've not been involved in a mailing list for several years now, so I
apologise in advance if I do things wrong!
Also sorry if this is the wrong place to post this - I put them on a bug
report list a while ago, and somebody suggested that I submit them to you

Basically, I made some mockups a while ago (April) for Unity's Global Menu,
which everyone seems to be having trouble with.
They're quite hard to explain properly, so it's probably easier for you to
just look at them. I've tried to explain what's going on in the description
of each image.
They're obviously not perfect - I've just pulled a bunch of ideas together
and tried to make a usable concept.
I am now aware that other people have made similar mockups to mine, but at
the time I hadn't seen any of them.

*Here's the link:

Please comment and criticize these as much as necessary, then I can try to
improve the design.
I'm more than happy to make more mockups to incorporate new or different

Hope that all made sense :D

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