Hello! I have a question about the stamps that often are at the end of the 
marriage records. My great-grandfather & great-grandmother (Francisco 
Frederico da Silveira & Anna Corvello da Silveira) have quite a few stamps 
(stamps on left side of page):


I assume they had to pay more because they were leaving the Azores and 
immigrating to the US? However, the marriage record directly following (on 
the same page) (No. 4 José Jacintho Teixeira & Maria Corvello Teixeira) is 
of my great-grandmother's sister, who emigrated with her, and her stamp is 
only for 100 reis. Why didn't she have to pay as much?

Would appreciate any insight! 


Researching Corvello / Silveira / Fajãzinha, Flores

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