
Can't make any suggestions for any version of internet posting that is 
really private.  Perhaps a modified version of your trees might be a 

I resisted posting any trees, anywhere -- until participating in this 
group.  I used the FTDNA tree form to manually enter direct ancestors.

Now that I've also tested via ancestry, I'm considering posting a direct 
ancestor tree there as well. I share the concerns expressed via this thread 
(working files; copy/paste with no research, etc).  

I exported/created a direct ancestor file (abt 225 people; still happily 
using FTM 2011).  Notes are still there, but one suggestion is to post 
without the notes to provide base information for any recognition of 
possible connections.  More details can be shared if/when contacted.

Even what we have on FTDNA does not necessarily remain private.  Ex:  
Contacted a recognized match re my husband.  No response.  During Ancestry 
searches later found that person's Ancestry tree - with all of my husband's 
data from FTDNA incorporated.  

Marsha Stringer


On Thursday, January 18, 2018 at 11:34:18 PM UTC-5, Pam Santos wrote:
> I took down my trees on ancestry because it was private yet now when you 
> search they have all your information in the index no sense of it being 
> private. Some of you had access so If wondering why i removed them. 
> Any other place i can upload my trees and be private so others can still 
> view ?

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