
One of my 2nd Great Grandfather's came to South Australia in 1848.
Unfortunately most shipping lists of the time have"not survived"  to use 
the official term.There are some Newspaper reports but they are notoriously 
unreliable and misspellings abound.
He was born about 1808 and went by the name of Joseph Josephs which 
unfortunately was not his real name. His real name was supposed to be Du 
Coyte or something similar 
When one of his daughter's died the obituary said that her father fought in 
the Crimean war which is impossible of course because he was already in 
Australia before that war began.
He may have fought in the Portuguese civil war as he would have been old 

He probably came to Australia via England. Very hard to find a name when 
you don't know what name to look for? He was however Portuguese and spoke 
very poor English.

I have had my DNA tested with Ancestry and uploaded my info To "My 
Heritage" FTDNA,Living DNA and Gedmatch.
Ancestry does not recognize my Portuguese ancestry although it did 
originally, however "My Heritage" does!!

I have been checking my Portugal matches on Ancestry and over 90% of them 
have an ancestor from the Azores within 3-4 generations.  I don't know how 
common that is in the overall Portuguese population??
I do know that Joseph was suppose to have come from an island and had a 
brother that went to South America,Brazil??

I know this is a bit long winded but do you think it is reasonable to 
assume that Joseph came from the Azores? At least at this stage?

I'm just looking for an opinion and as I have explained I have next to 
nothing to go on!!!


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