
>      Thanks for the information. At least now I have some background
> to work on - I already have several rt73 USB dongles, some notebooks
> with Atheros, some OpenMokos (which have atheros chipsets) and a few
> Nokia N810 tablets (which have a prism chipset).

although the Openmoko Freerunner has an Atheros chip inside it does not use 
the madiwifi driver (this is the AR6001 mobile chip, in case you wonder).

>      And they mentioned about some intermediate mode, called
> Pseudo-IBSS or AHdemo mode, which allows a device to set a static
> BSSID and it is supported by some drivers. I suppose we are talking
> about the same thing here, just not giving any names (?).

AHdemo is not the same as setting the BSSID in ad-hoc mode manually. As 
mentioned on the page you linked to the AHdemo mode does not send any beacons. 
Whereas the ad-hoc mode sends beacons with a fixed BSSID. Not sending beacons 
has certain side effects: 
- your network will appear being "invisible" (the normal network manager wont 
show it)
- you have to manually configure the connection speed and other stuff as the 
usual autonegotiation is using the beacons for that
- you will have collisions (might lead to decreased performance)
- driver compat problems (only a few drivers support this mode)

Nevertheless, it will fix your cell split problem. :-)

>      When you mentioned your EEE PC, which uses an Atheros chipset,
> did you also had to set a static BSSID to the same used in the mesh
> network you use?

I think EEE PC uses the madwifi driver?! If so you can set the BSSID 


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