I've had a fair amount of success using XSL-T on these pages:


They're XHTML Strict (although I had to correct an extra double-quote on - i think - the 0-9 page), so they'll parse and can be used to grab data pretty successfully. To choose just radio it's:



The main problem is that you can't grab everything using a keyword - you need to do individual pages, and think about the fact that the results are paged too.


Brian Butterworth wrote:

Is there a way of getting a "raw" RSS feed of the iPlayer content? There seem to be lots of 'most popular' and 'highlight' feeds, but not one with say, 'all radio' so you can use a tool to, say, keyword search all the content.

Brian Butterworth

http://www.ukfree.tv - independent digital television and switchover advice, since 2002
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