Duncan Barclay wrote:

Wow :)

You have to give us more info about how that works ...

Essentially, real places in London have been GPS tagged with hotspots (variable dimensions) in accordance with locations on the new Monopoly board. The playing pieces are GPS transmitter equipped cabs, and as they cross into hotspots (following a sequence of rules) player pieces move round their online board - rent is paid, money accured, etc etc.

Because of the nature of London traffic, we needed a way to display all the information on one screen so combined Google Maps (to display exact positions of each cab every 60 seconds (GPS positions are reported in milliseconds and converted to proper Google compliant degrees/mins/seconds for the xml)) with the BBC RSS Traffic Feed to a) display traffic problems (colour graded based on how close to a hotspot a problem may be) and b) offer a real time status of the overall traffic situation in relation to individual cab positions, allowing us to proactively determine where cabs are having problems - i.e. not reporting movement data regularly, and therefore impacting on the game data.

In the course of the last few weeks testing, we now have an enormous lat/lon positional database for vast swathes of Greater London (and chunks of Essex too) - this data will be made available publically following the project's conclusion - complete with nice friendly names as opposed to Postion #156454A


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