"TV Anytime might be a pain in the bum if you're writing a parser from scratch. So don't - use one someone has already written!"

I assume you haven't tried doing it in PHP then :) I coded my own XML parser in PHP a while ago (just as a challenge), and that works fairly well to put the stuff in a database.

An extra month to make a prototype ... Just when I start being busy. Should still have some time to add more to what I have just now at least.


J.P.Knight wrote:

On Thu, 1 Sep 2005, Ben Metcalfe wrote:

There is an open source Java parser for TV-Anytime
(http://www.bbc.co.uk/opensource/projects/tv_anytime_api/) but I'm aware
many of you are not building your prototypes in Java.

Its probably worth pointing out that CPAN also has a TV::Anytime set of modules for Perl. Handy for those of us that are Perl hackers and don't do Java!

After reading all the stuff in the last few postings, I wondered just how tricky TV Anytime format is to process if you can grok Perl and have this module loaded. So after a few minutes with `perl -MCPAN -e shell` doing an "install TV::Anytime" and loading all the dependencies, I had Perl setup and ready to go. What to do? For a simple test I simply strung together some of the TV::Anytime perldoc examples with a quick bit of code to let me search through this weeks TV::Anytime listings for TV programs that have keywords matching my two major hobbies.

I've attached the resulting Perl code to this email, along with a sample output. Its lacking comments, user interfaces or indeed any useful (though I did consider a cronjob to get the TVAnytime data at the start of the week and then email me the matching list), but at least it shows what is possible with a minimal amount of Perl hacking.

Its not big and its not clever but then the whole thing from the first "what's this TV Anytime format look like anyway?" thought to writing this email took just over two hours. I doubt Ben Metcalfe and the chaps at BBC Backstage will allow this as an entry in the comp (and it wasn't intended as one, though I'll take the prize if the rest of you can't get your arses into gear! ;-) ) but folk can feel free to take it, expand it, mull it over, hack it and generally do what you want with it.

TV Anytime might be a pain in the bum if you're writing a parser from scratch. So don't - use one someone has already written! A big round of applause is due to Leon Brocard for creating TV::Anytime - it does what it says on the tin and makes things really easy. So get to it folks...


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