On 26 Oct 2005, at 02:23, Tom Loosemore wrote:

- Any radical innovation in PVR EPGs. I'd love to hear from anyone playing with Digital TV & Radio - be that with Freeview versions of the MythTV open source EPG or Topsfield 5800s ( see http://www.toppy.org.uk/ ) The pandora/promise.tv 7-day PVR started life as a Myth TV-based prototype we commissioned (see http://www.promise.tv ) In short, bring internet thinking  to Digital TV & radio - it's fun, and the  collision between the two worlds is bound to lead to some tasty new stuff emerging.

Isn't that http://www.mightyv.com/, at least a start of that ?

We already work with eyeTV and have plans for others (maybe a MythTV plugin), in fact we have lots of ideas, but we
want to find out about the competition results before motivating our selves to take it further.

I think a key thing is feedback - and this needs to happen quickly to keep the flow of conversation / development going.



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