Yes, Yahoo. I'm not going mad (at least, not yet... Or not completely mad).

I've tried figuring this one out myself but to no avail.

I sometimes spy on what the programs on my machine are doing network wise,
and I noticed a while back that iPlayer streaming connections were beginning
to come and go from different IPblocks. I thought nothing more of it at the
time, just made a mental note of it. I began to notice this around the time
of the LHC switch on day, and the week afterwards - that's when the
addressed IPs began to appear to transition to different ones.

However, the other week, I was listening to some BBC7 shows and noticed it
again - the content was coming from a noticeably different netblock.

Being the geek I am, I did some tracerouting. Here's the results of two
traces. The first IP is one which I'd seen associated with iPlayer stuff for
a fair while, so assumed that Akamai were being used directly by the BBC to
cache-and-forward content more efficiently to ISPs like mine.

D:\Documents and Settings\Christopher>tracert

Tracing route to
[] over a maximum of 30 hops:

  1     1 ms     2 ms     3 ms  brum2-router0 []
  2     *        *        *     Request timed out.
  3    27 ms    32 ms    30 ms
  4    56 ms    21 ms    27 ms
  5    40 ms    56 ms    57 ms
  6    65 ms    20 ms    20 ms []
  7     *       21 ms    22 ms []
  8    20 ms    21 ms    21 ms []

Trace complete.

D:\Documents and Settings\Christopher>tracert

Tracing route to [] over a
maximum of 30 hops:

  1    <1 ms    <1 ms    <1 ms  brum2-router0 []
  2     *        *        *     Request timed out.
  3     *       75 ms    20 ms
  4    60 ms    72 ms    34 ms []
  5    22 ms    48 ms    21 ms

Trace complete.

Both of these IPs have served me iPlayer content through the streaming
interface direct from the /iPlayer site. How come more and more of the stuff
I stream (radio and TV, but I've been Listening Again a fair bit in the past
couple of weeks) seems to be coming from these non-BBC netblocks? Both of
those traces are from my Be* connection (first hop is the gateway, ICMP
responses are QOSed to lowest priority) but I've seen this strange behaviour
when streaming over my parents' Zen DSL connection too. These IPs are
*definitely* iPlayer streaming servers; I've confirmed, double- and
triple-checked with Wireshark and various other tools which let me see in
realtime what's connecting to where and when (which is nothing very
complicated these days!)

What really got me was the second IP resolving to * hostname...
/Why Yahoo?/ I don't see the link at all. Can someone with a clue help me
out here please?

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