
From: owner-backst...@lists.bbc.co.uk
[mailto:owner-backst...@lists.bbc.co.uk] On Behalf Of Brian Butterworth
Sent: 13 January 2009 17:48
To: backstage@lists.bbc.co.uk
Subject: Re: [backstage] BBC - "a typical Google search on a desktop
computer produces about 7g (0.25oz) of carbon dioxide"

I use one of those "download everything" tools in Firefox when I want to
take a site onto my netbook, easier than avantgoing. 
Fortunately Skyfire's way of rendering web pages (having a proper PC
somewhere in the ether load and render the page, then just transmit a series
of JPEG tiles to the portable device) makes using big web sites possible -
but I'd still rather have a native mobile version of the site, more like how
BBC News does it. Ho hum.

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