>From another point of view.

Why not put on iPlayer HD versions of programmes that haven't been
broadcast in HD. Maybe even 1080p?

Or even have an iPlayer channel for programmes that haven't been
broadcast at all?

There does seem to be the issue that iPlayer can only be used to catch
up with broadcast TV, it doesn't need to be tied at all to it.

Providing The Sky At Night is recorded in HD, surely it could be put
on iPlayer as HD even though it hasn't been broadcast.

I had planned to buy a HD pvr, but since my Sony Bluray player can
connect up to the BBC iPlayer I can watch more than enough HD TV
without having to buy another more expensive box.

One request. It would be great if the iPlayer could remember my last
saved position in a feed, I keep having to fast forward to where I
stopped, but it is still early days. How much TV is recorded and
edited in HD. I assume there are limits due to all the capital
investment required.


Geoff Hogg
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