I finally have the cgi interface connecting to the backuppc server with 
the n! Kudos on the web config editing interface.

My problems:
1) I had a disk called helmsdeep with a folder backups on it that 
contains backups from version 2.?. I have the backups location set at 
/media/helmsdeep/backups when I ran perl config.pl. I added gandolf to 
the hosts file but when I use the cgi interface I cannot see the old 
backups. How to fix?

2) When I run the editor for the cgi interface and try to save any 
change I get two error messages at the top:
"Error: No save due to errors"
"Error: ParPath must be a valid executable path"

3) Really minor. My images do not show up in the cgi interface. Here is 
the bottom of my default file inside my sites-available folder where 
backuppc access is defined:

Alias /backuppc/ "/usr/local/BackupPC/cgi-bin/"
<Directory /usr/local/BackupPC/cgi-bin/>
    AllowOverride None

    Options ExecCGI FollowSymLinks
    AddHandler cgi-script .cgi
    DirectoryIndex index.cgi

The image files did actually get installed in 
/use/local/BackupPC/cgi-bin/images and I can browse then using the file 
manager. When I try to access them using 
http://debian/backuppc/images/0010001.gif the browser does actually 
display the image.

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