
aahhaah the world is not infinite and my resources (hardware/brain) 
neither :(

Can we implement such feature

I'm thinking to put quota on my user, telling them how much data they 
can backup. To do this, the backup will proceed like:

  1 - first do a disk usage (DU) with the exclude path
  2 - if not bigger than the quota, start the backup.
  3 - else
  3.1 - send an email to the person and ask it to remove some folder or 
some file extension to make his saving data smaller
  3.2  - the user launch a DU java WebStart application (GUI) to help 
him to easily calculate the size of what backuppc lets him to backup
  3.3 - when done, the DU application talk with backuppc to let know it 
about the new configuration and the new size of the data to be saved
  3.4 - backuppc start the backup

The java application should do something like jDiskReport or JDU or ...
  - calculate the DU and display it
  - able to see the tree to backup
  - set/unset directories to exclude from.
  - display a small panel of file extensions to remove (.jpg, .mp3 ...)
  - able to provide as line command options the exclude directories and 
the file extensions directories)
  - talk back to the backuppc server the data (exclude directories, 
exclude file extensions, disk usage)
  - launch the application as a GUI when launch in 3.2
  - launch the application with no GUI when launch in 1

What do you think about such idea.



Geneva - Switzerland

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