cedric briner wrote:
> hello,
> aahhaah the world is not infinite and my resources (hardware/brain)
> neither  :(
> Can we implement such feature
> I'm thinking to put quota on my user, telling them how much data they
> can backup. To do this, the backup will proceed like:
>    1 - first do a disk usage (DU) with the exclude path
>    2 - if not bigger than the quota, start the backup.
>    3 - else
>    3.1 - send an email to the person and ask it to remove some folder or
> some file extension to make his saving data smaller
>    3.2  - the user launch a DU java WebStart application (GUI) to help
> him to easily calculate the size of what backuppc lets him to backup
>    3.3 - when done, the DU application talk with backuppc to let know it
> about the new configuration and the new size of the data to be saved
>    3.4 - backuppc start the backup
> The java application should do something like jDiskReport or JDU or ...
>    - calculate the DU and display it
>    - able to see the tree to backup
>    - set/unset directories to exclude from.
>    - display a small panel of file extensions to remove (.jpg, .mp3 ...)
>    - able to provide as line command options the exclude directories and
> the file extensions directories)
>    - talk back to the backuppc server the data (exclude directories,
> exclude file extensions, disk usage)
>    - launch the application as a GUI when launch in 3.2
>    - launch the application with no GUI when launch in 1
> What do you think about such idea.
> cEd

Hi Cedric,

Unless I'm missing something, why wouldn't you implement
quotas on the users data before backups?  Most systems have
this capability already.  It'd be much simpler than trying
get users to prioritize which things they want backed up.



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