cedric briner wrote:
> Hi Andy
>> Hi Cedric,
>> Unless I'm missing something, why wouldn't you implement
>> quotas on the users data before backups?  Most systems have
>> this capability already.  It'd be much simpler than trying
>> get users to prioritize which things they want backed up.
> I'm not really sure to very well understand what you've said. But, the 
> idea developed is to tell the user:
>    I can provide you a backup with a 10GB.

User quotas would normally be used on a server.  I assume you want to 
back up local hard disks where the whole space is available.

> Then whatever you do, checking the size in the server or in the client, 
> the user will have to do a disk usage (DU), to find out which 
> directories or which files extensions they want to exclude.

Your idea of checking the size on the client before starting should work 
and if you have sshd running you should be able to do it as a 
DumpPreUserCmd with UserCmdCheckStatus set to abort on failure. 
However, any per-client size checking is unrealistically simple because 
the server-side space that will be used depends very much on the 
uniqueness of the client's files.  That is, if you add a backup of a 
large directory where the files are all copies of things already backed 
up from other machines it will take very little additional server space.

  Les Mikesell

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