
> I am struggling to get ftp transfer working in 3.2.0 beta0. And I keep
> ketting the error message: xfer start failed: Can't open connection to :
> Invalid argument

about the "Invalid argument" issue, i attach here a Holger Parplies:


Sorry, that is a bug in Xfer::Ftp, line 190, which references $args->{host},
which, it seems, should read $args->{Host} instead (at least that's what
getFTPArgs() returns). There are two more occurrences of the same typo and
several usages of $t->{host} instead of $args->{Host}, though that is probably
intentional (logging the host name as defined in BackupPC rather than the
actual DNS name or IP used). I'd attach a patch, but it's really only



At the moment also i can't do backup using ftp still.
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