Michael Stowe wrote at about 12:58:51 -0500 on Tuesday, September 8, 2009:
 > > Okay, that fixed it!  So... the gui is broken?
 > Not broken, no -- if you call the configuration back up in the GUI it will
 > work fine, and you'll be able to edit the excludes without any problems. 
 > I'd classify the GUI as "difficult to understand" rather than broken,
 > since creating a share, then applying excludes to it isn't intuitive.

Unless I missed a post, I don't see how there is enough data to answer
your question whether it is broken or not. It's possible and perhaps
even probable that you mistakenly created shares instead of excludes
(which is what the end result looks like) or there could be something
flakey in the GUI. On the other hand, perhaps you unmasked a GUI error.

I would suggest trying to recreate using the GUI using the same input
and sequence that you did before (while of course being mindful that
you are not just making any silly mistakes). Then hopefully you will
have a better idea if it was a GUI error or an operator error.

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