
Timothy J Massey wrote on 2009-09-10 14:02:46 -0400 [Re: [BackupPC-users] 3.1.0 
configuration problem]:
> James Ward <jew...@torzo.com> wrote on 09/10/2009 12:08:44 PM:
> > Yeah, I'm not sure how anyone would get that right without help.  :-)
> It is impossible to use correctly.  Unfortunately, there's two layers of 
> information needed (share name and excluded paths), and both of them allow 
> arbitrary numbers of options.  That's difficult to pull off in a single 
> web page.
> I'm sure suggestions with at least HTML mockups would be welcome!  :)

sorry, no HTML mockup, but I've got a suggestion. The GUI could warn (or even
refuse to accept, but I'd suggest "warn") if you enter something that is not a
valid share name for the host. That would also prevent some of(*) the frequent
configuration errors caused by people entering arbitrary values or mistyping
share names or simply failing to realize that the value must *exactly* match
the share name for it to be applied.

That probably isn't applicable to editing the main config file, though.


(*) Yes, there are people that would ignore the warning, even if it was red,
    bold, and blinking.

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