Craig Barratt wrote:
> Saturn2888 writes:
> > To make it easier for people to know what I'm talking about, here are the 
> > errors I'm getting in my logs. It's a bunch of things like these for 
> > different folders on different hosts.
> > 2010-07-28 02:40:03 ERROR: opendir 
> > (/var/lib/backuppc/pc/main/174/ffull-drive/fusr/flib/fperl5/fauto/fText/fCSV_XS)
> >  failed
> > 2010-07-28 02:40:03 ERROR: opendir 
> > (/var/lib/backuppc/pc/main/173/ffull-drive/fusr/flib/fperl5/fauto/fText/fCSV_XS)
> >  failed 
> > 
> Sorry, I haven't been following this thread, so my questions might
> be off base.
> There errors aren't directly from BackupPC.  It is from rsync (ie: the client)
> inside flist.c:
> rsyserr(FERROR_XFER, errno, "opendir %s failed", full_fname(fbuf));
> Normally I wouldn't expect the rsync client to be reading the BackupPC
> data tree.
> Craig

Craig Barratt wrote:
> Are you backing up the local host (ie: backuppc server)?

I am backing up localhost using rsyncd, but that's not the only one with errors 
like these.

Craig Barratt wrote:
> If so, are you accidentally recursively backing up the backuppc store?

Nope. /var/lib/backuppc (Ubuntu Lucid) has been excluded, and I even checked to 
make sure.

Craig Barratt wrote:
> That will take a looooong time.  Or are you trying to backup the BackupPC 
> server onto another machine?

I was doing this previously which is why I setup this machine with a RAID1.

Craig, I think you solved the reasoning for the problem. BackupPC uses RsyncP. 
It's possible, the version I was using in Hardy wasn't as new; although, then 
it should be working properly I'd think. Maybe Tolaris compiled 3.1.0 for Hardy 
differently than how the Ubuntu people packaged 3.1.0 for Lucid as I'd been 
using Tolaris's backport of 3.1.0 before the upgrade and after the upgrade, I 
believe it changed me to the Lucid package manager's version.

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